Defining Christianity will never be complete if I fail to acknowledge it as a religion. Though it was a relationship belief before it got to Rome.
Why am I passionate about changing the face of Christianity of fear and deceit that is now sending many of our youths and powerful vessels back to the world. We must understand that if we fail to change the face of narrative as it is now in Nigeria, the next generation will mock our faith.
The book of Acts of Apostles 11:26, explained that it was in Antioch that the name Christian came about.
Christianity began in the 1st century AD…. In this series, which I don’t know how many parts we will have but I believe the Spirit of God will guide me as I am set on a mission of changing many myths, faces, beliefs and practices.
My aim is to stop those charlatans who have little or no knowledge about our faith but turn themselves to “god of men”. Ruling the ruled using a rod of fear….
Christianity rooted in the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Master, the author and finisher of our faith, He played a pivotal role in shaping world history and culture. By exploring Christianity, its core, tenets, rituals ,ethical principles , standard and impact, I hope to provide a comprehensive understanding of Christianity.
People of God, let me bring it to you in all boldness that Christianity was rooted in ABRAHAMIC monotheistic religion, though centered around the life and teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Note: Anything that can’t be found around him (Jesus Christ) and his teachings are nothing but one of many ways our ‘god of men’ are using to dupe and scam the gullibles. Central to its (Christianity) belief system is the acceptance of Jesus Christ as the son of God and the saviour of the world.
As followers of the way, known as Christians, we must live according to Jesus’ teachings by fostering love, compassion, and forgiveness.
The Bible, which includes Old and New Testaments, serves as our sacred book (When I say the Bible, I mean the original 80 books of the Bible) providing guidance for faith and practice.
It’s funny that many Christians in Nigeria when asked can’t tell you the origin or historical background of their faith.
Many can brag how their fore-fathers accepted the faith and passed to them. But ask them about the historical background of their faith, they will tell you the story their pastors told them, forgetting that it’s important to study the scriptures before we can be approved.
Christianity originated in the 1st century in the region now known as Israel/Palestine. It emerged from Jewish religion and cultural context.
Jesus Christ, hailed as the central figure, preached messages of Love, Compassion, And Salvation.
Following his crucifixion and resurrection, his disciples spread his teachings, leading to the formation of Christian communities and Churches.
Many years after the death of Jesus Christ, Christianity experiences significant transformations and became official religion of Roman Empire under Emperor Constantine ( He was the one that turned a relationship belief to a religious belief)
We will continue on our series by next week…
Try your best this year not to be lazy in knowing the fact and truth about your faith.No man of God has the monopoly of knowing God. We are all His children.